Sunday, May 30, 2010


ohh man! today is a school day! yesterday is my sis bday! urhh.. feel lazy to go to school today. i am scared of the result! but. i go to tarian after recess. so maybe im not gonna get any result today!weee.. i cant wait to see my friends.. my SENGAL friends~!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


ok . i have friends & bestfriend & speacial friend .
if i have friends means i dun have enemy .
maybe someone thinks im her/his enemy .
im friendly .
easy to talk to someone .
i am everyone friend .
if u need a true friend , i can be one. :)

First Blog

this is my first post and my first blog!! wad do u wan from me? i mean .. wad do wan to know about me? easy. just follow me :)