Thursday, August 19, 2010

M.A.I.D =.=''

haish.. I have plenty reason why I dont update my blog. the main reason is maid! my maid, wants to get married. I have to do almost all her job in bulan puasa? why dont she quit after puasa? btw, i hate her. she doesnt do her job well. unfortunately, I gtg.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

the word L.O.V.E

Look not for beauty
Nor whiteness of skin
But look for the heart
That is loyal within

For beauty may fade
And white skin grow old
But the heart that is loyal
Will never grow cold

Sunday, July 11, 2010


yeah! Spain have won the fifa world cup 2010! Spain is my last hope because argentina and brasil have lost at quater final! I was watching FIFA with my DAD! Ohh.. i gtg.. need to go school! bye all!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

hmm.. long time..

Its been awhile now i dont blogging.. there is some reasons.. like going to genting, school projects , break up.. exam is comming.. so i need to study.. my aim is to be top 10 in class..

recent exam i get no. 14.. my father is not proud enuf.. EVERY SON WANNA MAKE HIS FATHER PROUD.. gtg.. need to study..

Sunday, May 30, 2010


ohh man! today is a school day! yesterday is my sis bday! urhh.. feel lazy to go to school today. i am scared of the result! but. i go to tarian after recess. so maybe im not gonna get any result today!weee.. i cant wait to see my friends.. my SENGAL friends~!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


ok . i have friends & bestfriend & speacial friend .
if i have friends means i dun have enemy .
maybe someone thinks im her/his enemy .
im friendly .
easy to talk to someone .
i am everyone friend .
if u need a true friend , i can be one. :)

First Blog

this is my first post and my first blog!! wad do u wan from me? i mean .. wad do wan to know about me? easy. just follow me :)